At Smeaton Grange Strength & Conditioning, you’ll find a community of trainers and people ready to help you on your journey to be strong in body and mind. We offer:

At Smeaton Grange Strength & Conditioning, you’ll find a community of trainers and people ready to help you on your journey to be strong in body and mind. We offer:


Our METCON Classes combine Strength, Cardio, Functional Movement & Gymnastics to give you a high intensity 1 hour dose of all round fitness! These classes have a varied strength component and a shorter cardio component which uses a high power output, over a short period of time, with as little rest as possible.


Our ADRENALINE Classes are designed to get your heart beating faster, for longer! Experience a RUSH in this Cardio fueled class which will test your mental & physical endurance! Our ADRENALINE Classes are longer style, cardio marathons that don’t require any heavy lifting or complex gymnastics.

Barbell Club

Our SG Barbell Club is one of the only NSW Weightlifting Association affiliated Clubs in South West Sydney. Our Programming provides an opportunity for new and experienced weightlifters to develop and perfect the two movements of the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. With opportunities to take part in In-House Competitions and Local/Nation Events, this class helps our members increase strength, speed, power, coordination and flexibility.

Personal Training

You’ll find leading exercise programming and advice, and recovery and rest management. As a member, you’re also welcome to use our weights, benches, racks and cardio machines at any time.

CrossFit group-based classes

You’ll find small, class-based workout sessions that are designed to maximise your workout in the shortest possible time.

Personal training

You’ll find leading exercise programming and advice, and recovery and rest management.

Yoga and meditation classes

We believe in a holistic approach to fitness. We provide yoga and meditation classes to help you condition your body and mind, and find presence and focus for your day-to-day life.

As a member, you’re also welcome to use our weights, benches, racks and cardio machines at any time.

CrossFit group-based classes

You’ll find small, class-based workout sessions that are designed to maximise your workout in the shortest possible time.

★ CrossFit Timetable

Click here to download timetable!

Personal training

You’ll find leading exercise programming and advice, and recovery and rest management.

As a gold member, you’re welcome to use our weights, benches, racks and cardio machines at any time.